Posted in Weekly Quickie

22nd July 2012

You have no idea how powerful words are. They are capable of making or breaking a person!!! Like I’ve said before, be a healer with your words – Don’t speak words that hurt people. Of course if you need to correct someone you should but do it in love because your motive affects how your words come out most times.

So this week say a kind word to someone, you never know – Yours may be the awaited one.

Have a great week!!!

Posted in Christmas 2011, Finding you in God's word

On the 3rd day to Christmas ….

‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me’ – This is the first time I’m coming across this statement and we would all agree that its not true. When we hear people make fun of us or make a comment and laugh as we walk by them, we feel horrible. Words can hurt especially when they’re not true but still they hurt. Let’s try this season to be wise like Solomon and “not pay attention to every word people say.” People say a lot of things they don’t really mean so to avoid a lot of conflicts or disagreements, try not to be too sensitive.
In the same way, words can heal – a compliment, a word of encouragement, a thank you can make people feel loved and needed. But beware of flattery. They pretend to compliment you and then ask for something in return. Watch out when insincere people compliment you and know that you don’t have to do what they ask just because they said something nice.
Lastly TRY TO TAME YOUR TONGUE!!! You cannot use the same mouth to praise God to curse. It just can’t happen. Little by little, bad language takes over and starts popping up even when you don’t mean to say it. So fill your head with clean thoughts … (Phil 4:8)
Be sure you speak words that heal not hurt and don’t be a flatterer!!!

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